Originally Posted by tjts1
Greed is the only universal motivator to improve the human condition. Greed is good. Deal with it.
Merriam-Webster: greed - Pronunciation: \ˈgrēd\
Function: noun
Etymology: back-formation from greedy
Date: 1609
: a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed
Wikipedia: Greed (also called avarice) in psychology is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.
Can find nothing to substantiate your claim that "Greed is the only universal motivator to improve the human condition." Greed is the only universal motivator to criminal behavior, but it is not as altruistic as you seem to believe.
Do you teach your children to share, or to take everything they can get their hands on? I feel sorry for them if you do.
Deal with that.