Hello ecomodders,
I returned to the USA from disaster relief work in Sudan about a year ago in pursuit of my wife.
I finally found a job in my field (engineering), but it involved a 40 mile commute suitable to neither my preference of cycling, nor my trusty Nissan pickup.
In response I recently purchased a 1996 Toyota Tercel DX. It's a sweet ride with 94 hp, 85k miles, a couple dents, and wicked pink "graphix" reading "sport." With mild hypermiling, I ran 38 mpg over my first tank in this car. Basically, I love it.
Since my commute is 95% highway, I'm really interested in aero mods. I'm also very interested in taller gearing for this car. If anyone has gone down that road, I'd love to hear about it.
I have decent mechanical skills. I'm a fair welder and machinist with access to a good shop at work. I love problem solving. The downside is that I can be a real slacker about personal projects.
I have enjoyed many of the ideas and projects I've read about here. Great work, people.