Originally Posted by nemesis
Get a 2.73 rear, those 300 are torque monsters.
Not WORTH IT. I try with my 79 F150. 3.08 gear ratio = WORST. It was hard on clutch.
You don't want put 3.08 it will make mpg worst. I used to get 18-21 mpg with 3.55 then I swap to 3.08. I see 13-14 mpg but engine was work hard it get overheat easy in summer on highway. It struggle to reach 70-80 mph to get rpm at 2,000 that where I used to get 21 mpg at 2,000 rpm. Try 55 mph with 3.08 is FAIL couldn't use overdrive gear in that speed. It need to be 65 mph to use overdrive but very underpower.
You don't have experience with that gear ratio it too much for truck that weight 5k pound.
I have try different gears I would say 3.38 is right for this truck.