Those are totally awesome new pictures! How did you find them?
It had doors on both sides. Notice the tufts near the bottom behind the rear wheels -- they are blowing upward.
This site has some (unsubstantiated) info:
In addition to the Kdf Wagen that Hitler/Porsche designed for the German public, AVA and Dipl-Ing Schlor came up with the Schlowagen by 1936 which was wind tunnel tested:

The original AVA wind tunnel tested streamlined car achieved a drag
coefficient of 0.113 and was actually due for production in 1939. But
the war stopped that plan and instead it lay in storage for a few
years until someone decided to make it into some form of prop-driven
snow vehicle for Russia. However, it was sent to Finland instead and
experimented with before it returned to Germany before May 1945 and
was seized by the British in their zone and supposedly taken back to
London where it might still reside somewhere!!!
Prop version:
Here's the lofting line drawing from Hucho:

This is close, but there are some inaccuracies: there is no pillar at the center of the windshield, and the dimension for the height should be just on the body (I think).