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Old 02-18-2010, 03:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
24.27 lbs per gallon Co2
Oval_Overload's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 217

Unicorn - '12 Nissan Versa 1.8S hatch
90 day: 31.9 mpg (US)
Thanks: 8
Thanked 13 Times in 10 Posts
Talking Gas free is the way to be!

Last fall, I totaled my car, so I began to seriously rethink my transportation situation. I decided it would be best to stop commuting 35 miles to school and 45 miles to work (one way!).

Meanwhile, my friend Kal was living in a rotten North Minneapolis neighborhood. One morning, Kal was awoken by a MPD officer asking if he knew the whereabouts of his car. It had been found in a chop-shop raid.

Put two bad situations together and what do you get? A solution!

The two of us moved into a cute little house west of the lakes district. Kal bought a late 70's BMW 2002 and I a bus pass. The move sliced Kal's commute in half, and cut mine down to 5 miles to school and 2.5 to work!

For the time being, I ride a hybrid-electric bus to school and bike to work. Tomorrow I might cycle to school for the first time. I live on a bike trail, so I only have to cross like three roads to get to school. On days I don't feel like peddling, I ride an electric motorbike. If I have chores to do, I can often borrow an electric car from work.

Between bike, scooter, electric car, and bus, I have hardly driven my old Ford at all. This week, I have not burned a drop of gasoline!


Hehehe... If one of your facial lacerations leaves a small scar, you'll have a SCarlett.
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