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Old 02-19-2010, 01:32 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Delavan, WI
Posts: 4

Red Dragon - '07 Chevy Aveo LS
90 day: 33.23 mpg (US)
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New to Ecomodding

Hey all. I just bought a new (used) 2007 Aveo LS Sedan and found this site in my perusal to attain the best mileage I can. I've never really watched my mpg's before because this is the newest vehicle I have ever owned.

One thing I do love about it is the cheap fill-ups. I used to put the cheap stuff in, but now with the smaller tank I am able to afford at least mid-grade and still fill up with less than $25.

I finally remembered to set my trip OD prior to this fill up and I am at 135 miles at just above 1/2 tank. My last fill up from empty was just shy of 10 gallons. Not sure what gives, but from full to 3/4, the needle is oh so slow. But from 3/4 to 1/2, it seems to fly down.

I've gotten in the habit (just this week after finding this site) of

1: coasting to a stop
2: turning off my engine instead of idling for periods of time
3: I don't let my car sit and warm up in the AM (this warm streak in WI helped on that)
4: I try my hardest to not go above 2-2.2k RPM's in town and drive in the highest gear possible.
5: I have been driving MUCH slower. But you know what? I get where I am going in the same amount of time. I've really tried to go 65 instead of 70 on the highway (80% of my 45 minute commute to work is highway)

Future additions:
1: Scangauge fa sho!
2: Bigger rims. 14 inch stock is toooo small.
3: performance tyres.
4: Nitrogen in said tyres.

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