Originally Posted by gutcheck
Methinks I'll need this to convince the wife I need the scangauge.
I don't think that'll be too hard.
If you're able to hit 30mpg using a scangauge (totally feasible, BTW) then you'll be saving a lot of money.
So lets say you drive about 1050 miles per month (reasonable according to your fuel log)
At the EPA rated 21mpg, you're using 50 gal/month. At the current Texas average of $3.11/Gal you're spending
$155.50 every month on gasoline.
If you continue you're current level of driving, with no scangauge, at 25mpg, you'll be spending
$130.62 every month.
If you get a scangauge, and (conservatively) are able to achieve 30mpg, then you'll be spending only
$108.85 per month on gasoline.
That scangauge isn't looking too expensive now is it?
Versus the EPA rating the SG will pay for itself in 3.5 months.
Versus hypermiling without a SG, the payback period is 7.3 months.