i have the schematics to my 08 aveo, i can locate a proper cut off point for a kill switch.
the problem with cutting off the fuel pump is that there is still fuel pressure in the lines. that gas will continue to be spat out as long as the injectors are still clicking and untill that line is clear. doing so adds a 2-3 second gap to "prime" the system to get fuel flowing at a proper pressure to get the engine going. too much time wasted with how fast paced life is.
cutting off the injectors is the best idea since no fuel can flow without them having power. but the problem with that is that the ECM (engine control module) is controlling the ground on the injectors. on an OBD-II system, the injectors are being controlled individually at low RPMs. there should be a fuse for the power wires to the injectors. that would be the right point to cut power on/off. not the fuel pump fuse or relay.
my alldayadiy account expired, so i cant look up the schematics till i renew the account. but having a cutoff at a fuse listed as INJ would be the right way to go at this.
this is the fuse you want to cut power off to.
cutting off power to the fuse labled FUEL is bad juju. thats the same as cutting power off to the fuel pump relay. its all bad juju.