Originally Posted by LostCause
I like the original design. You will always have vortices. With your design they will be lessened.
Anchoring it depends on how detailed you want to get. Ideally, building a new lightweight fiberglass/polycarbonate hatch that mounts in the factory location but is "oversized" to fit the dimensions you laid out would be best.
Ofcourse, this method is not easy  . I still think the best anchoring method will be to attach it to the hatch lid somehow. By doing so, you can make the mod reversible.
To decrease interference drag/vortices, be sure to apply large radii to all edges (if it's practical to do so...  ).
I really like the look, by the way.
- LostCause
It is hard....
I have exposed this project at the other member of Tigrafans (I am an user of this club).
Notthin has any experience and culture aboud the aerodinamic and ECO drive.
in the tigrafans, my project whas rejected

But in this EM forum, I have goods reports...
My problem in the realization, is the curvature that it is necessary to create in the sides of ridge for an armonic anchorage.
I do not want that the new center profile (ridge) in order with the original curvature of rear windows, is cause more vortices.
Can you calm me?