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Old 02-23-2010, 05:51 PM   #5 (permalink)
1995 Previa LE S/C Driver
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stillwater, America
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Originally Posted by JonnyG View Post
It was 55 degrees in the garage compared to 22 outside this morning.
If the garage is that much warmer than the outdoor temperature, you're losing a lot of heat from your house to the garage.

Your house could be just that much easier to keep warm if you improve the insulation on the shared wall and seal the interior door better.

Sure, your gas mileage may go down again-- but your gas (or electric) bill will ALSO go down (and think of the savings in the summer when your garage heats up the house).

You could always install a block heater and use it on a timer, so whether you park in the garage or not, your engine will be preheated.
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