These pictures are confusing me -- the EV-1 front and rear views are at a different scale than the plan view. And the is the Insight really that much bigger than the EV-1? The rear wheel track (center to center) is wider (1.325m) than the out to out wheel width of the EV-1 (1.24m)?
I'm trying to scale them properly, so I can measure the areas in DataCAD...
Originally Posted by RobertSmalls
EDIT: I found a better photo, with specs for front and rear track drawn on it but mislabeled (track is measured from wheel center to wheel center). It suggests a transom area of 6.35ft², or 32% of frontal area.
For the Insight, I have this excellent image to work with:
And I find a transom of about 11.5ft², 57% of my frontal area!
If those measurements are correct, and I've scaled the bitmaps right, then the EV-1 transom is a mere 5.308 sq ft; while the Insight transom is 1.999sq ft.

The yellow grid is 1 foot squares, and if the outline is right, then the area reported by DataCAD is very accurate. The two rear views are scaled correctly AFAICT, and the Insight looks enormous! It the EV-1 really that tiny?