I wasn't trying to encourage anyone to build a HUGE underground thermal storage facility, use the one that is already there (the ground it's self). I was just thinking that as you move further north with lower average annual temperatures there will be less heat available heat from the ground to be moved into your house and a heat pump stops being a viable option.
What I was suggesting was that in areas where the geothermal heat pumps will almost meet your needs you could help it out by adding some solar heated water tanks. They don't need to be big enough to heat your whole house all winter, but if they can keep you from having to run the furnace for another month on either end of the heating season, it could help.
In this area it used to be real popular to heat your home with fuel oil. It has fallen out of favor for natural gas or propane and there are a lot of 275 gallon tanks around that people don't want and usually pay to get rid of. I would think that they wouldn't be that hard to insulate and 2 or 3 of them should hold a goodly amount of heat.