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Old 02-27-2010, 02:56 PM   #41 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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misc.: Never use a flush-cutter to trim leads on a pcb. They can tear a run. In industry, this is one of the absolute no-no's. You can use a small computer fan to blow the fumes from the flux, away from you. Flux exists in lead or lead-free. It's not the lead fumes. Lead doesn't vaporize at these temps. The differance between solid and standed wire is that solid wire does not withstand vibration, or frequent bending. It can only be used where the wire undergoes no motion. When you insert a component, you then bend the leads to hold it in place. Only bend the leads enough to hold the part, maybe 20 or 30 degrees. If you bend it close to the pcb, you may cause a solder bridge to the next pad. also, you may not be able to cut the lead at the top of the solder. The lead may touch something! Solder braid can be purchased at Jameco, a good Co. for small quantities of unusual (and common) parts. P/N153462, $2.25. As I posted, solder-wicking is the professional way, but I would never do it. When, if you conformal coat, only a single spray layer is needed. A thin film!

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