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Old 02-28-2010, 07:48 AM   #27 (permalink)
Recreation Engineer
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Thanks guys! Maybe I can post pix later today. This project is mixed with other priorities.

Meanwhile, food for thought. Think about Phil's teardrop template. Now think about applying it to side view with ground reflection symmetry. The 6' high box sits on an 18" deck for a total of 7.5' height. Compare that to a half width of 3' for a 6' width. Think symmetry with the sides. Everybody wants to do everything: round the top, round the corners. But suppose, if only hypothetically, that you are just not allowed. If you can only curve one view, either the two sides (top view) or the one top (side view), which do you expect to yield more gains for this application? Pick one, not both. That has a lot to do with the method behind my madness.


Last edited by KamperBob; 02-28-2010 at 09:50 AM..
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