Originally Posted by KamperBob
Thanks guys! Maybe I can post pix later today. This project is mixed with other priorities.
If you can only curve one view, either the two sides (top view) o f the one top (side view), which do you expect to yield more gains for this application? Pick one, not both. That has a lot to do with the method behind my madness.
( Is that a typo ? I'm guessing that you really don't want to curve just one side of the side kammback extension, since that would cause the trailer to yaw back and forth.

If I understand your question, you are asking which would be more beneficial - a curved roof line or curved sides.
From what I understand, curved sides are the winner, since you are working with twice the wind area.
Another benefit is visibility to other drivers ( since it doesn't slope down like a ramp ). Since the trailer is slimmer than it is tall, this will also mean that you might derive more benefit from it since the length doesn't have to be a great to come close to a teardrop shape.
The only drawback would be increased crosswind drag.
So did I understand the question O.K. ?