Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Compared to U.S. consumption, all the oil in ANWR is a mere pittance that doesn't amount to squat. OH, by the way, ANWR doesn't have WAR in it. >
In that forum people vote yay or nay if they approve of posts. Both of my posts are running about 3:1 nay:yay. Sure the second post could be debateable, but the first one??? The majority opposes the best available facts, data, and evidence?
People: they cease to amaze me. 
Not knowing much about ANWR I searched it on Ixquick. Just to educate myself about the facts. The Dept. of Energy has a report out on ANWR, it was the first link on ixquick
Page #9 has a graph worth looking at, ANWR is at least an appreciable increase in domestic production. Below the graph the DOE concludes:
The opening of ANWR to oil and gas development includes the following impacts:
• reducing world oil prices,
• reducing the U.S. dependence on imported foreign oil,
• improving the U.S. balance of trade,
•extending the life of TAPS [current alaskan pipeline] for oil, and
•increasing U.S. jobs.
I would assume the DOE has the best available facts at their disposal. Others may just have discovered this report before I did.