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Old 03-02-2010, 01:10 PM   #104 (permalink)
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jvsgears - '14 Skoda Octavia
Team m8
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The test with the two seizes of carburettors is not started yet. I did some initial test drives with the 36.5 mm bore carburettor(from the 385 cc engine). No problems in lack of torque ,so I will drive some kilometers to get FE numbers before switching to the 250 cc carb. (30.5 mm bore) This will be a drastic change in crosssectional area (70%)
See what that brings. I need to solve the linkage to the large carb from the ingition adjust lever. Do not know the details, but the lever has a switch linked to the ignitionbox. No more details in my documentation.This switch is not present at the small carb.Maybe somebody knows?

Fuel injection is the preferred way of feeding gasoline. Only feeds the engine when gas is needed. Off during engine braking.
And the control feedback loop with the oxygen sensor in the exhaust takes care of the variations in amount of filled air , better then a carb can.
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