Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I want all the stupid dang pcb layout software out there to burn in the fires of heck and darn-nation. I'm sorry for my language!
Hi Paul,
I feel your frustration !!!
Here are some links to PCB Design software:
PCB design tools - Good PCB software links
Kicad - Open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Even does 3D assembly ! Never used it but looks cool and some open source parts libraries too.
If you decide to go over to the “darkside” PM me for a list of PCB software that I can set you up with, for personal use only !!!
Can you output any kind of file with the Advanced Circuits software ? print, plot, image, etc… There might be a translator that could output it then to a gerber file. I have reversed engineered PCB’s but it has been awhile since I have done one.