Originally Posted by Old Tele man
...I've already gone through the "hot rodding", "family wagons" and "sedans" eras, and am now in my "eco" period of life.
...some by choice, others by necessity.
I'm still stuck in the hot-rodding/family-wagon period with my Trailblazer SS.
We had to have a truck to pull our camper so I figured if I'm going to have
a truck that gets 15-20 mpg, it might as well be a hot rod too, and there was
no price difference, so why not?
Truth be told, I've always had a dichotic personality on my cars.
I had a '98 Chevy Metro the same time I had a suped up '96 5.7L Impala SS,
and I loved them both for different reasons. Since I live closer to work now
(8 miles), it doesn't make sense to own a Metro anymore (it'd be just taking it away from someone who lives 25+ miles from work).
To appeal to my eco-sense (and because my wife loves landscaping), I bought the manual pickup truck. That way my wife has her hauler and I can
have a vehicle I can ecomod/hypermile and shoot for 30+ mpg.