chuckm -
Originally Posted by chuckm
I think this is exactly what V-Vehicle, the new car company (the one that is trying to locate in my hometown), is doing.
CRAFTING V-VEHICLE | | The News Star See the top of the third page particularly. If they are bringing the suppliers onboard during design, I suspect that they are going to use parts already in production (or parts requiring minimum changeover from existing production runs). However, the V-vehicle price point is planned to be around $10k.
Thanks for the V-Vehicle update. I like the idea that they are referencing Saturn, even if it's a criticism, because the idea is the same, aka build a compact fuel-efficient car in the USA.
Can they license a "kit of parts" from suppliers? Aren't the parts the intellectual property of the auto companies that contracted with the suppliers to make the parts?!?!?!
I would think they are designing new parts with efficient production processes in mind.