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Old 03-05-2010, 04:14 PM   #3083 (permalink)
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1000amp current sensor results!

OK part number CENTRON CSA-1V

Now, the centron was soldered to a single sided pcb. For a measurement range of 0-1016amp, the bottom of the pcb needs to be 0.75" away (actually 0.754") from the bus bar. That's 12 bare fiberglass boards (pcbs without the copper). Higher temperatures make the current read slightly less than it actually is.

There are more numbers, but we are going to Montesano! My old town! (they now call it "Monte sa yes to drugs". It's a depressed logging town. hahaha. Well it used to be. I don't know how it is now.

I also ordered a part (that's on a 25 week back order) that should be able to be much closer to the bus bar.
kits and boards
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