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Old 03-06-2010, 12:17 PM   #48 (permalink)
gone-ot walking...
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
That's more than a little misleading, though, since those 20 people include some, like me, who do not commute to work at all. However, not commuting doesn't mean that I don't drive. Most days the dog and I will go to some trailhead or other, which can be anywhere from a couple of miles to 50 or so.
...excellent point (and an over-simplification on my part, sorry). But, the point was 40-range equates to 20-mile radius for most people and approximately half of us (exceptions included) fit into this (over-simplified) catagory.

...ironically, back in 1986-87, my employer actually installed a (just ONE!) electric-charging station for the GM EV-1 but nobody really used it, so it was eventually removed because people were accused of "stealing" power from it on the weekends and holidays (like what were we doing during the work days?).
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