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Old 03-06-2010, 07:58 PM   #133 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by chuckm View Post
1) The jury is still out on high fructose corn syrup (versus sugar). There is no consensus in the scientific community, but the majority of the good studies show no adverse affects.
Look how long the jury was out on cigarettes, afterall your doctor at one time would have recommended them for certain conditions.

Odd how that works much like the studies that showed a diet composed of only grains and vegetables would result in very long life spans. (less a study than a supposition) Yet Egyptians who ate solely grain usually lived to about 20years and had massive issues with heart disease. Also most races that eat no grain that are more or less traditional have the longest life spans, even when compared to us, sadly they usually die prematurely from blunt injuries and infection, if they get past those one hundred years isn't uncommon.

HFCS by itself is "supposed" to have no negative effects at least short term compared to sugar because that type of study is flawed.

The known effects of HFCS are
1. Increased uptake and retention of IRON
2. Increased stability of oxidants and increased likelyhood of iron in the body to oxidise
3. Increased liver activity to metabolize (increased activity for the liver is NOT generally positive and also means that HFCS stays as is in the body longer as opposed to being broken down before getting in the bloodstream)

Those effects are well known and not disputed by anyone legitimate, I have even heard some rumblings that women should "maybe" eat HFCS when they are low on iron in place of normal sugar due to #1.

Now you might think that #1 is a great thing but it IS NOT AT ALL good for Men of any age and due to #2 effect likely not good for anyone.

Oddly excess iron is a very large cause of heart disease and hardening of arteries, which is why its always a good idea to give blood often for more reasons than helping fellow man, it helps you retain your health!

Oxidation of iron is even worse than too much iron so as you can see, LONG TERM HFCS IS NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!

Anyone who denies the direct correlation between iron uptake and HFCS is either a lier, a fool or both.

All this said the reality is the human body wasn't really made to ingest sugar of any kind, often, in quantity for long periods. So if you are eating more than 25g a day you likely are going to have some sort of negative health affect.

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