Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
Try route 58 from Emporia to Suffolk. A few miles east of Emporia it's very flat for something like 40 miles. I once drove 40 miles west on 58 and never got close to more than 15 cars going in the same direction. 55 MPH divided highway.
Hi Mech,
I'll take a look at that. Drove over your way yesterday while doing some experiments with lean burn. Looked at VA 241 as your suggested. It is a nice section of road, but the level uncongested part isn't long enough to be practical for testing. In my case there is an additional problem. That section is so far away from my garage that the "commiting" distance to any tests would be too great. But I fear I'm going to have that problem with anything I use. I want to check out the section of I95 between Richmond and Petersburg, but of course that is truck "alley." At least it is close.