Originally Posted by Clev
Pics, please! 
There is not much to look at yet, mostly a stripped down frame, a motor, some chunks of aluminum and a pile of paper with drawings and measurements.

I did however do some measurements of the frame and the open space and it looks like I should be able to fit 6 T105 golf cart batteries in there without any issue, that is 402 pounds of battery, with the open frame design like it has I'll be able to make a battery rack that sits as low as the engine did, giving me a lower center of gravity, the space under the seat, where the air box sat is 1/2" shy of what is needed for the hight of a T105 battery, otherwise I could fit another in there, one idea is to put saddle bag style racks on the rear for a battery on either side so I can get the full 48 volts I was hoping for, otherwise I could go with a higher voltage battery but I already have 8 used golf cart batteries, lucky for me the motor is designed to spin at around 2,000 RPM with 36 volts and with the gear ratios I have that gives me 57mph, up the voltage and I up the speed.
To give you a taste of the kind of parts we are making to fit this together, here is a bearing carrier that is being put on a shelf due to one of the redesigns I had to do.

The new one looks very much like that but with tabs top and bottom to attach to the motorcycle frame, thus cutting down on the number of parts needed.