You can widen the cvt's overall range by installing a larger diameter aftermarket cvt. I use the polini variator on my 50cc chinese scooter and revs at 40 mph dropped from about 8500 down to a managable 7500. You can also get wider range by going to a Dr. Pulley style D-shaped weights. They push the variator drive face out further than round ones at top speed, do this only if you know there is unused drive face on your variator. It's cheaper and easier than trying to change your gearing.
And generally with gear changes you should tune your clutch so you don't burn it out. Lower stall clutches will keep you from burning the clutch out but do need more torque normally achieved with bigger engines. Then with bigger engines you need a stronger torque spring and stronger belt to keep from squishing the belt. This necessitates slightly heavier weights. It's a complicated matter to try and upgrade these small scooters and in general it's far easier to just buy a bigger scooter and change out the weights for efficiency than try to basically rebuild the engine and tranny from the ground up for efficiency.