What type of retainers are on the gears? If the bottom is keyed, then an offset key would work(if one is available). What holds the top gear on? 3 or 4 bolts? 1 bolt & locating pin? Need to know engine rotation direction.
Ok lets say the engine rotates clockwise, & you are gonna be doing the adjustment on the cam gear to get the advancement. If the cam has a locating pin that goes through the cam gear, drill out the locating pin hole slightly(chevy V8s have kits that have off-set bushings), with everything back together, the gears lined up on the marks, the pin will be more towards the clockwise direction than before(adv. direction, opens valves sooner). If the pin is touching the left side of the hole then the cam is retarded. On the old domestic v8s, when the timing chain got worn & stretched, the cam is always retarded. You may have to make some marks to make sure your not overadjusting things.