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Old 03-17-2010, 01:38 AM   #13 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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If you could restrict the air intake at a position farther away from the intake then say the throddle body, you could extend the vacume ( negitive pressure ). By doing this the intake charge would cool sooner ( air cools in a vacume and heats under pressure) and allow for a more effitian warm air intake application. In other words, a increase in the volume of the vacume should enable the air to absorb more heat and still maintain a lower temp. this will expand the air and thin out the o2 content requiring you to open the throddle body more for any given power setting. the increase in cylender pressure should provide better vm effitiancy and fuel econamy. This is the same princible that gives a desile higher effitiancy then a gas engine where as the deasil does not have to worry about detonation or o2 content and can obtain full cylender pressure at idle, given that it does not have a turbo.
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