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Old 03-17-2010, 12:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Harrisburg, MO
Posts: 34

Ethel - '92 Honda Civic VX
90 day: 53.44 mpg (US)
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Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
new to me 92 Civic VX mpg ?'s/mods

Hey all,
I just purchased a 92 Civic VX and I really like the way it drives. The car has it's problems (some rust and wear), but seems to be a great driver. The only real problem is that it needs a new o2 sensor (stock one caused dead pedal at steady cruising speed, had to mash the accelerator to get it to rev again). So to get it to drive normally I simply unplugged the o2 sensor and it drives great.

I drove it 200 miles over the weekend and got 38 mpg (mostly hwy at around 70mph, but probably 25-30 tough stop and go miles as well), which I didn't think was too bad. Tires are currently aired up to 58 psi. Also, I live in rural Missouri where it is physically impossible to obtain gas without 10% ethanol, and they are trying to pass legislation to increase that number to 15%. I simply say this because ethanol supposedly has and adverse effect on mpg.

Now that everyone is up to date on the details, I have a few questions:

1. If I drive sensibly but still maintain 65-70 mph on the highway, and I don't EOC or P&G, what type of mileage would you expect to see from this car with a functioning o2 sensor?

2. What other mod's (mechanical mods) are proven helpers for both mpg and performance?

3. Any other tips or tricks about this car?

Thanks in advance for the replies, it's nice to be a part of such a knowledgeable and helpful community.


Last edited by coletrain777; 03-17-2010 at 01:16 PM..
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