I cut a small hole in the highest pressure area of this van's engine cover and installed a rubber hose. I got a clear plastic bottle half-filled with water and inserted this hose partially beneath the water surface.
I ran this van to 45 MPH by the time bubbles started to surface. This was in stock configuration.
I then 'installed' the snow plow and couldn't get any bubbling at 68 MPH. I slowed down since the speed limit was 60 and traffic didn't warrant a higher speed.
I never re-tested this at a higher speed and my question was/is: how many 'inch-pounds' were there before and after the snow plow change.
The fact that I wasn't getting any bubbles at 68 MPH obviously proves that the air was flowing easier 'around' this vehicle.
My Q is: Does anyone know the 'approximate' inch-pouns of pressure under the average hood, say at 60 MPH?
THX in advance!