My first vx had some rust, nothing fatal, a 10" chunk missing from the front bumper and 205,000 miles on it, right away I replaced the o2 sensor, timing belt and did a much needed tuneup as the guy I bought it from drove it for 100,000 miles without doing anything other oil changes, I paid $1,200 for that one when it was 12 years old.
My 2nd vx came from a rust free state and is rust free, it had been backed in to 3 times so it has some minor dents, cracked rear bumper and missing door bumper/trim from one of the dents, that one needed an o2 sensor and a muffler and I paid $1,100 for it when it was 16 years old.
I figure that any civic vx I look at is going to need a timing belt every 100,000 miles or the engine will be scrap metal, a $200 o2 sensor if it has any dead pedal feel, a $3 pcv grommet under the intake manifold that you need someone with very very small hands to replace if the engine bounces at idle.