I like my 1991 F-250....LOADS of torque down low and good gearing to go with it. The first three gears are towing gears and the other two are MPG gears. I decided to use synthetic oil to help with the lower oil pressure when driving in town. Like Christ, I run LOW RPMs. I can run around town in 4th gear all day and shift to 5th if I am doing 30+. If I have a load of wood I run the gears out a little more to get the oil pressure up.
I am just itching to get the TCC lock put in the olds.....it has a LOAD of torque down low too. Hardly ever has to downshift to climb a hill. If I could keep it locked up in all gears but 1st I would be very happy.
1991 F-250:
4.9L, Mazda 5 speed, 4.10 10.25" rear