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Old 03-28-2008, 06:54 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s2man View Post
A 100A fuse? That sounds like alternator output instead of field current. Most articles warn that disconnecting the output can damage the regulator.

On the dual excitation routes: I've read that some alternators are self exciting. When I disconnected the field current from my '96 GM alternator it stopped putting out juice. So I believe it does not have a secondary field current source. (lucky for me, as that makes it easy to control)
That is indeed the output. I believe mine is of the self excitation dual wire type. I figured that a relay at that output before the fuse may be the easier (maybe only) way for me to go. I have read articles about not disconnecting the battery and letting the alternator run the show as it can cause voltage spikes and other anomolies that the battery effectivly buffers. If you have an article link handy saying what your stating I would appreciate. Otherwise I will keep searching myself. It looked like a relay was going to add about 30-40 bucks to the 80 of the load detecting switch as it was, much more than that and I will just buy the gas. HA. Anyway I believe I am sol at the field coil wire. Anyone know of a cheap workaround other than my 100 amp relay at fuse box idea?? Thanks. Maybe I will just can the idea and start looking into cheap aero mods as I can probably get more bang for the buck anyway.

Hope all works out for you AXMAN and if you do find yourself with a dead battery in 3-6 months may I recommend a Trojan J150. It sounds pretty heavy duty and can be had for $180 US. Thanks s2man for the heads up!!
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