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Old 03-25-2010, 12:46 PM   #67 (permalink)
Left Lane Ecodriver
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Originally Posted by kubark42 View Post
Can I get a quick show of hands to see who is still interested?
Definitely still interested.
Originally Posted by kubark42 View Post
What else would you like to have?
Traction battery current. Otherwise my logs will be peppered with enormous increases in driving torque accompanied by modest increases in fuel consumption. Logging that channel would also allow me to study exactly how much energy I recover through regenerative braking, and how much I waste with friction braking.

The Insight's current sensor outputs about 25mA per amp of battery current. Battery voltage varies from ~140V to ~168V at rest, and probably varies more under load. If you log both channels and consult a motor + inverter efficiency map (efficiency is a function of RPM and torque), it should be possible to estimate electric drive torque. Whether that estimate will be accurate enough to be useful, I don't know.
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