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Old 03-30-2010, 03:55 PM   #7 (permalink)
Red Lion
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Originally Posted by cfg83 View Post
Red Lion -

I am trying to figure out how the "skeleton" would be stored. I imagine something like an umbrella or one of those unfolding outdoor canopy tents :

However, in your case the geometry is much more complex. A bumper *is* similar in shape to a canoe, so maybe blueflame is implying your tent structure.

For a 1.0 version, I wouldn't think in terms of an inner skeleton. I would combine Bicycle Bob's and blueflame's suggestion. I would get spandex and see how it stretches over the shape of your bumper. Kind of like a car bra, but without the emphasis on form-fitting.

This is not a stow-away option, but as someone else suggested, getting a used bumper and turning it into an aero shape is a great idea. That way you can keep your original bumper in storage while making as much of a mess as you want with your aero-bumper.

I think you're right, I should do a 1.0 version and just test it out before I attempt to make the skeleton to go with it. Luckily (or not?) the guy that had my car before me had tore up the front bumper to fit an intercooler there (something this car won't see again), so I need to replace it anyway and I can play around with it.

Originally Posted by Christ View Post
Not sure how permanent of a mod you want to make, though.

Just watched part of the video... seems like they're using lycra? or some nylon-type fabric. I have no experience with using those for fiberglass techniques, other than dacron as a peel-ply...
I'm not sure what they used in the video but searching around, it sounds like if I want to use a cheap, stretchy fabric maybe lycra is the way to go since it can stretch in four directions instead of just two.

As far as permanence goes, I kind of want something I can wrap the bumper in for highway driving and take off for city driving or auto-x, hence the idea of something I could easily stretch around the bumper and take off quickly.
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