Originally Posted by dcb
I don't know vehicle specifics usually, you should use the one that works
I doubt the raw transmission output will work as-is, you need a 0-12 volt signal.
If you (or anyone with specific electrical questions) has a link or uploadable schematic that is germane to the question then that would help.
When I hear "count up even standing still" then it is time for a reality check, that isn't a vss signal as I know them.
Thanks I will then try the only other output, the one for the ECM.
The schematic shows three boxes, one the Tranmission VSS sensor, one is the VSS Buffer, and last the ECM.
It is dirt smiple: 6 wires: 2 are B+ and B- GND.
Two are shown hooked to the Transmission's VSS sensor.
The last two are shown as: One to the ECM.
The other goes to the electronic speedometer.
I will recheck the readouts, and see which is not responding correctly.