It is also a perfect time to get rid of any scrap metal you have laying around. Just pile it in the car when you haul it in. They usually don't care what kind of metal is in it as long as it isn't fence wire. The current rate locally is $7 per 100lbs so the heavier the car the more $$$ you get. Every place I have taken scrap to usually gives you less for scrap metal than a car. But if you take the scrap metal in with the car they give you the car price on all of it.
If it has steel rims they usually take the rims off and give them back to you so if you want them gone as well pull the tires off the rims before taking it in. Just use a recip saw with a metal blade and cut the tires in half to take them off. It isn't like you care if the rims get damaged a bit when removing them.