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Old 04-11-2010, 12:19 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Of course there are many others well worth mentioning including our old dandelion friend. I wish people would spend less to no time trying to eradicate dandelions - I think they are beautiful. I just posted this and expanded upon it a bit because I hadn't tried or heard of winter cress before. I was excited about trying it and thought "Well, while I'm at it why not take photos of a few more recognizable plants during the hunt, and the whole process." That link in my first post has a nearly exhaustive list of stuff you can find while wandering about. I've never tried fiddleheads before, nor wild morel mushrooms, so I plan on doing so and may post pictures of that too if people could benefit from such a pictorial.

The best thing about eating wild garlic is that it repels ticks, mosquitoes, and chiggers.
That's brilliant! Are you talking about "ramps" wild garlic or chives? They don't seem to like a human with a stinky onion-y flavor eh? I would gladly exchange an aura of onion stench for immunity from ticks, mosquitos, et al.
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