`120 mpg on 80% wvo, 20% petro
since the car got ~40 mpg anyway, the extra wvo didn't decrease this and 80% of the fuel was free (aside from getting it and filtering out the chunks of food), i say ~120 mpg.
i did no modifications to the motor and achieved this result.
i have run into someone that insisted "mpg" referred only to the car/drive train rating, to which i say, 'get real'.
every 10k, i ran a tank or so of full strength biodiesel to dissolve all the accumulated veg oil gunk. biodiesel is an excellent solvent. as a matter of fact, the same stuff is a great oil based paintbrush cleaner.
the earth is in deep doo doo and what we have done in the past clearly does not work. for an example, look at earth.
different approaches are needed.
using wvo reduces most of the pollutants diesel produces. as an example, used fry grease has no (0) sulfur. sulfur makes sulfur dioxide. 80% of the fuel has 0% of a pollutant making substance.
aside from any pollution or mileage concerns, the car run better w/ wvo. smoother, quieter, cooler.
the notion that we can do the same things and expect different results is, well, not entirely rational.
>Is the "~120mpg" on diesel, vegetable Oil, or a combination?
80% wvo, 20% petro summer, 50/50 winter
>*how long will it take WVO guys to realize that it doesn't work the way >they are trying to say it does...
to that i say, within limits it *does* work the way we say it does.
there are some WVO, SVO, biodiesel folks who have, what i think of, is a too aggressive opinion of the 'gospel' according to alternative fuels.
may cooler heads prevail.