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Old 03-31-2008, 06:32 AM   #8 (permalink)
British Ecomod Hypermiler
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
Thanks for posting this! It's exactly what I was considering when I asked what was beneath that cover on the end of my transaxle.

Potential challenges:

1. With an offset belt / chain / gear driven setup, there will uneven loading on the bearings on the driven shaft. Enough to be a problem? Don't know.

2. That motor would be adequate in terms of power, but it's got a crummy output shaft. (Looks like a pump motor shaft.) Makes it difficult to couple to a cog to drive your belt.

This is very exciting - are you seriously considering pursuing this?
1) Yeah, I thought of this too. The extension, in combination with the required belt tension, may well cause too great a bending moment and therefore high load on the shaft bearing. I'm guessing some kind of external bearing on an extension from the gearbox may be in order?

2) The output shaft does look poor, I'd have to take a look at what I could do with it in terms of fitting a coupling to it.

I was going to use a 2:1 reduction ratio, driving through a 3.765 axle to 13 inch wheels with a circumference of 1.77m. This would equate to 8.75mph/1000rpm. Is that enough reduction??

Also would the motor be able to handle higher voltages?? Estimated power output of motor? Top speed of a (currently) 1500 lb car?

I like the motorcycle auto clutch idea

Yes, I'm seriously considering doing this...... long term

The car has to remain driveable through all the work.
1997 Citroen AX 1.1i SPI
2003 Ford Focus 1.8 Tdci estate
Ecomods: See my garage

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