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Old 04-16-2010, 08:17 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bgd73 View Post
in maine there is a stuff called fiddleheads. It nearly killed me, but alot of people can eat it. (It changed my bowels to the point of not processing normal food correctly for a long time after- I would rather drink hydrochloric acid.)

the mention of poison ivy is a bizarre coincidence. I awoke with an itchy belly button, a strange feeling in my gut. I looked over at my inner arms... an exact bumpy run of poison ivy looking stuff. I have no clue where I got it. On another thread here, I spoke of a neighbors roof staying green in of all time records broken for warm winter, no snow. I could only put two and two together..

I'd go for greens in a controlled environment, the northeast is thrashed this year, hard telling what will be good.
You must take care when preparing fiddleheads. They must be cooked thoroughly or else your digestive tract will suffer. Fiddleheads must be boiled for a good 10 minutes (or steamed for about 20) to ensure that they are cooked and toxins diffused or converted during the cooking process. It's a shame that you had to suffer as these plants are quite pleasant. I like mine in an omelette or with a little lemon and olive with garlic essence. I haven't had fiddleheads in a couple of years. I look forward to finding them in the coming days or weeks.
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