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Old 04-16-2010, 11:22 PM   #35 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: maine
Posts: 758

oldscoob - '87 subaru wagon gl/dr
90 day: 47.06 mpg (US)
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max fill line prevents a pump from scavenging.

the extremes such as cold, pumping molasses.. doesn't get back to the pan before the pump never stops pumping...(maine is famous for it- keep those pressure reilefs clean..)

and another source is high rpms in longevity, regardless of weather, can cause a scavenge. A common read for this is backyarders making a hot rod out of thier old engine.. big oil pump included...(it could be the number 1 error)

hence some get even bigger oil pans and more oil... it is not to be an anti-ecomodding hog, it is to keep safe, and for a much longer time.. that cycle of more oil lasts longer...common sense.

too low on oil is like taking a bath with a tablespoon of water.
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