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Old 04-17-2010, 02:54 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee View Post
All that complexity, cost, and expense for a potential .00000001 mpg gain? I think not.
Frank,I hear what you're saying.
I'm seeing more and more side mirrors with built-in turn indicators,or electric mirrors.My CRX was pre-wired for accessories I never had in the car.'guess my thought is,that auto makers are okay with the wiring issue.
The electronic speedometers are a cost saver over gear-driven,cable-operated units.They save weight and can't break as in my T-100.
I would suppose that the camera system could save weight,couldn't be broken off the car,could easily be demisted/de-fogged/wiped,and I suspect at a cost 'savings' over conventional mirrors.
Electronics costs, do not necessarily represent their actual 'cost.' And 'economies of scale' with mass-production should push cost through the floor.
As far as drag reduction,I'm probably thinking more of 350-class pickups with mirrors of the frontal area of Sam Whittingham's Varna racing cycle.
And with the speeds people drive in Texas,the cameras might compensate for the added resistance.
Just some churnings.
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