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Old 04-17-2010, 05:17 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Count Ricotti and the 200 % Gas Tax

In 1913,wealth bought Italian,Count Ricotti,a custom-built Alfa Romeo which exhibits a design,modern even by today's standards if you look beyond the exposed wheels and undercarriage.
If modernized,this vehicle would exhibit a drag coefficient on the low end of the spectrum,perhaps Cd 0.125 and remarkable fuel economy.
In 2009,wealth bought Americans a HUMMER of Cd 0.51 or worse.
As HWY mpg varies as 50% of Cd,the 400 % drag increase of the HUMMER over Ricotti's Alfa would translate to a 200 % fuel penalty for the HUMMER.
So what creeps into my psyche,is that,when did wealthy people become stupid?
In a capitalist nation as the United States where the bottom line is worshiped first,and the well healed have bragging rights to an investment portfolio which returns record profits,why would they self impose a voluntary 200 % gasoline tax on themselves,and at great additional cost ?
These are the very people who could commission the construction of a modern day 'trompe le vent' wind deceiver car setting a high standard for return on investment,paying more than 50% less per gallon compared to the average commuter.
We presume these peoples wealth grew as a consequence of their superior abilities,knowledge,and access to discreet information within the arena in which they compete.
If the wealthy want to show off,they ought to consider demonstrating leadership,knowledge and wisdom as consumers,not obsess over winning the admiration of automatons who wouldn't recognize a pearl cast their way.
If a Congressman were to sponsor an amendment for a gasoline tax of any amount, it could spell the end of their political career.It would be 'onerous' legislation certain to wreck the economy.
And it would be fought by lobbyists payed for by the people who drive the HUMMERS and without a wimper, submit to a self-imposed 200% tax.
What happened?

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