Originally Posted by jandree22
It's entirely possible that I'm missing something here, but how is affording small fill ups any different than affording large fill ups? You're either paying $10 every 2 days or $40 every 8 days, no?
If by these small fill ups you're actually topping off your tank in small increments, first of all you always have a full tank so that adds weight to your car... you never get the benefit of having a light weight 1/8 tank  Plus as I think someone mentioned, you'll get a lot more accuracy by calculating against 300 miles on the odometer vs. 30 miles.
With an 5MT ZX2 40 MPG is probably acheivable, but it might be really tough with an AT. Good luck to you though, interested in seeing some numbers from your car.
Yeah. I realized the flaw in that logic. I've been filling it up now. After driving an explorer when it cost 60-70 to fill up, it was hard to get over that. But when its only 32 dollars to fill back up from E, it doesn't make me cringe.
Yeah, I think the auto is going to hold me back. I drive with an extremely light foot, and I feel like I'm driving it as efficient as I can. Although, with no scan guage it's hard to say.