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Old 04-21-2010, 07:50 PM   #19 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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I have a battery charger that has a desulphater built in to it that I really like, it of course only works with batteries that will hold at least a mild charge, but like with the electric lawn mower it went from using a standard charger that would give me a 10 minute run time to a 20 minute run time in the first charge with the desulphating charger and it slowly went up more and more as I cycled the battery, of course it never got back to being like a new battery but it was improved.
I've also used EDTA in my batteries and have been very impressed with it as well, I'm currently out of it and have been looking for a good source for more.
On my electric car I have a desulphater that stays hooked to the battery pack all the time, it's hard to say, without a controlled study, how well it works but I've never seen anything that says it does not work or could do any harm.
As to sending batteries over seas to let children melt down the lead, I don't buy batteries that are not made in the US, I'm not sure what else I can do other then buy US made batteries and return the cores to the company that makes them.
To Luvit: asbestos doesn't harm ground water, it's even ok to eat, but just don't breath it, don't breath any kind of rock! same with melting metal, don't breath it!
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