...says the guy from Arizona. Really, maybe you lived somewhere where snow can shut down the STATE for a couple of days at a time at some point in your life, but I have done it my whole life. I can take a little criticism in that regard from the poster from Buffalo. He probably understands better than I do. But even then, he can stay indoors when the weather gets really bad. My wife cannot. Just to spell it out, my she is a registered nurse at the Ohio State University hospital (Arizona ought to be pretty familiar with the Buckeyes; the Fiesta Bowl is our second home field I think

). If there is a foot of snow on the interstate, she has to go in anyway or get stuck trying. The nine inches of ground clearance, limited slip differential, and four wheel drive system (antiquated yet supremely effective at maintaining traction) ensure that the Jeep can get her to work to help pregnant women deliver their children during conditions when emergency vehicles are the only vehicles legally allowed on the road. And yes, I do get it dirty as often as time and my wife allow. If they made a more efficient vehicle with comparable traction and ground clearance we would likely own one. Scoobies are nice but not Jeep nice. For what it is worth, my goal is a 1st gen insight or used civic hybrid. My ultimate goal would be a nissan leaf or DIY EV with a custom generator trailer that only comes along when you know you will exceed the designed range. Or a civic gx, but the phills compressor is too expensive. Until then, we will jeep it.