..."digitalness" can be either "precise" or "imprecise" depending upon *how* the computer has been programmed to "output" the number, ie: as a decimaled value (ie: 199.9*F ± 0.1*F) or as a rounded integer (ie: 200*F ± 2*F), etc.
...it all depends upon *how* the value is "exported" from the computer, which can (and usually is) different from how the value is "imported" or internally calculated by the computer.
...for instance, GM calculates MPH quite precisely from the wheel speed sensor (ie: the value SGII displays), HOWEVER when the value is sent to electronic dash speedometer it's automatically rounded UP by 2 MPH, to account for tire diameter variances, etc. (and to ensure that GM isn't *accidentally* telling people to drive faster than the speed limit).
...other manufacturers do similar "games."