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Old 12-08-2007, 06:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Central Texas
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Iron Horse (retired) - '97 Iron horse Intrepid

Ninja - '08 Kawasaki 250R
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It is what it is

Didn't know where else to put this but it a great story.

Heading over to help out mom with Christmas decorations. I sling my commuter bag over my shoulder and head out the door. At the end of the street there is a 3 way stop (no traffic) which is like the tree that falls in the forest. Blowing through the stop sign there is a police car at the next stop sign about 50 yards up the street. Upon arrival he waves me over and the conversation goes something like this.

O-You know you blew through that stop sign
M-Yes sir
M-I have a long way to go and I wanted to conserve energy.
O-Why don't you just drive?
M-Can't afford the gas
Looks me up and down and says
O-Then I guess you can't afford this ticket either.
O- I'll let you go with a verbal warning this time but you need to follow the rules.
M-Yes sir

So Christmas came a little early this year. Yes I know I was in the wrong so let's not go there.

"Judge a person by their questions rather than their answers."

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