What kind of RPMs do you have on the Sentra at say 55 mph? I'm right at 2k, iirc. And I sorta suspect that Sentra has a much lower Cd than my 5 seater sporty/luxury sedan. Not that I'm hating on the Sentra; the sentra was my first Nissan love. I'd give my left nut for a newer sentra. Just saying, my barge likely pulls a lot of air along with it.
I'd love to BasJoos my car, but then my wife would hate me :P
 RIP Maxima 1997-2012
Originally Posted by jamesqf
I think you missed the point I was trying to make, which is that it's not rational to do either speed or fuel economy mods for economic reasons. You do it as a form of recreation, for the fun and for the challenge.